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Why Technical Debt Occurs in Projects: Find Out And Prevent It
Why Technical Debt Occurs in Projects: Find Out And Prevent It
8 min read
8 min read
One challenge when working with startups often involves the accrual of technical debt.

You can discuss endlessly whether one should permit the accumulation of technical debt or if a startup founder should acknowledge its existence and accept things as they are. However, delving into the discussion of technical debt often irks the team and can even result in the team's departure or, conversely, the exit of investors.
Technical Debt Concepts
The concept of technical debt can vary in precision or, more commonly, be interpreted quite freely by each team member. In brief, using one of the most common examples and simplifying it, technical debt entails software developers employing a temporary solution to address a problem or error or creating a new function in the project. The proper permanent solution must replace this temporary patch later. While this is a typical scenario for technical debt, it is not the sole one.

In certain instances, debt accumulation leads to disastrous financial consequences such as bankruptcy, project destruction, and even demise. Coping methods often mirror crisis management approaches: taking risks, restructuring, and closure. Professional financiers may propose alternative solutions, but my current interest lies not in dealing with the problem but in understanding its sources and causes. I advocate for pre-planning rather than stress management, although my preferences have minimal impact on reality.

I identify several factors that critically predispose projects to technical debt. So, what is the most common reason for piling up "kludges" in your project?

Choosing the Right Technical Leader
The first factor is the incorrect choice of a key technical leader for the project. Very often, in small startups, it will be a friend, a buddy, a co-partner, a freelancer, or other options with minimal investment and without leaving your comfort zone. The reasons for this are clear—lack of budget, shared ideas, friendships, and the like.

It makes sense to act this way and consciously accept this risk so that you don't waste time, quickly test the idea, and find the first seed investor. However, this situation must be changed immediately after the budget and plans appear, investors come in, and the project goes live.

Here is the situation we have to meet in real projects. The project already has real users, investments, and commitments but is in a deadlock because of a huge technical debt. It sometimes amazes me how survivable such a project can be, even though the founders are already clearly aware of the impossibility of fixing problems in the short term or implementing their plans in the future.
Sometimes, the technical debt is already very high, but the investor makes increasing demands, and the situation ends up with a change of technology stack.
Sometimes, the technical debt is already very high, but the investor makes increasing demands, and the situation ends up with a change of technology stack.
This is not something to be afraid of! You already have your MVP, the complicated process of designing the business logic is over, and the probability of mistakes when changing to another tech stack is minimal. It is just a matter of technique.

The Crucial Role of Business Requirements
Another factor contributing to the accumulation of technical debt is the rapid evolution of business requirements within the project. It's crucial to recognize the pivotal role played by the final performer—specifically, the software developer. In most instances, judicious managerial decisions that minimize or eradicate technical debt become paramount in resolving such challenges.

The proficiency of the development company or the involved developers can significantly impact the founder's financial savings or potentially lead the project toward a technological impasse.
Understanding that project requirements for business logic can swiftly change in response to dynamic business and market conditions underscores the necessity for a highly skilled and professional team.
It's worth noting that urgent revisions to the project, whether for launching a marketing campaign or altering the homepage's background color, do not fall under the umbrella of "adapting to changing market conditions." Similar considerations apply to scenarios like, "I had discussions with an investor this morning, and he insists on a sizable green button in the center of the screen by tomorrow, or he won't provide funding."

Using such instances as justifications for immediate project alterations can result in accruing technical debt and demotivating the team. No one appreciates the symbolic task of shifting firewood from left to right in the morning and right to left in the evening.

If you find parallels between these situations and your own, it may be prudent to acknowledge the need to reevaluate your project requirements management methodology. Consider transitioning your approach towards a blend of tactical and strategic planning to mitigate potential issues.
Developer's Ambitions
Another notable contributor to escalating technical debt is developers' inclination to enhance code quality or refine previously applied solutions in project development.

The technical leader's personality and aspirations are the driving force behind this. Does the technical leader prioritize clean solutions and academic excellence? Is their orientation sufficiently business-focused? Do they possess a stake in the project with a vested interest? These considerations are pivotal.

The inclination to revisit and revise technical debt often stems from a performer deeming the initial solution unprofessional.
Simultaneously, technical leaders require a supportive professional environment to advocate for refactoring or debt closure effectively. Failure to do so heightens the risk of personal burnout, leading to an aversion to working with what they perceive as "spaghetti code."
Simultaneously, technical leaders require a supportive professional environment to advocate for refactoring or debt closure effectively. Failure to do so heightens the risk of personal burnout, leading to an aversion to working with what they perceive as "spaghetti code."
This issue revolves around constructing a practical requirements management system within a project. In sporadic instances, challenges may be attributed to the technical leader's personality, inadequate soft skills, psychological instability, or an inability to resolve internal conflicts within the team.

Summarizing the above, in my professional experience, the most recurrent reasons contributing to the accumulation of technical debt in projects include:
  • The initial selection of a low-cost or low-skilled technical leader for the project.
  • Rapid changes in business requirements.
  • Urgent changes that do not align with "adapting to changing market conditions."
  • Prioritization of expedient solutions over code quality or deferred improvements in project development.
  • The technical leader's personality, aspirations, and vested interests.
  • The initial selection of a low-cost or low-skilled technical leader for the project.
  • Rapid changes in business requirements.
  • Urgent changes that do not align with "adapting to changing market conditions."
  • Prioritization of expedient solutions over code quality or deferred improvements in project development.
  • The technical leader's personality, aspirations, and vested interests.
  • The initial selection of a low-cost or low-skilled technical leader for the project.
  • Rapid changes in business requirements.
  • Urgent changes that do not align with "adapting to changing market conditions."
  • Prioritization of expedient solutions over code quality or deferred improvements in project development.
  • The technical leader's personality, aspirations, and vested interests.
Forewarned is forearmed! The repercussions of these factors necessitate immediate adjustments in project management methodology or the qualifications of the performers. However, it is preferable to avoid this situation proactively. If it does arise, addressing problems at the outset is vital to prevent a cascade of issues from taking over the project.
ITUniversum's custom software development services are the key to overcoming technical debt dynamics and achieving your goals. So why wait? Contact us today for expert guidance, and let us help you achieve your dreams.
ITUniversum's custom software development services are the key to overcoming technical debt dynamics and achieving your goals. So why wait?
Contact us today for expert guidance, and let us help you achieve your dreams.
These cards provide a snapshot of the main elements of this subject:

Cards: what is technical debt, and how to avoid it in your project.
These cards provide a snapshot of the main elements of this subject:

Cards: what is technical debt, and how to avoid it in your project.
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